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DAHU Cooking Time Meat & Chef
DAHU Cooking Time Seafood & Meatball
DAHU Cooking Time Mushroom & Veg
DAHU Cooking Time Al La Carte

Disclaimers & recommendations :

An ideal cooking time is provided in the suggested table above for each ingredient and is for your reference only. The suggested cooking time serves as a general guideline for achieving the desired taste, texture, or tenderness of the food. Please ensure that the hotpot cooking time aligns with the boiling water temperature in your hotpot.

All hotpot ingredients listed above must be thoroughly cooked before carving or consuming. Avoid overcrowding the pot, as it may lead to uneven heat distribution. When introducing raw food into the pot or refilling the soup, wait until the soup reaches a boil before consuming any food from the pot. Additionally, use two separate sets of chopsticks and utensils to handle raw and cooked foods.

If you require any assistance, please inform our staff. Enjoy the diverse flavors in your hot pot experience at DAHU Hotpot!

免責聲明和建議: 每種食材都附有建議的理想烹飪調理時間,烹調理時間表僅作參考。 火鍋食材烹飪參考之調理時間表以待鍋中的水或湯煮沸後計算。 為確保食物安全,食物建議必須徹底煮熟,避免將太多食物放入鍋中,否則會導致熱量分佈不均。 請使用兩套獨立的筷子和餐具來處理/夾取生鮮食材與熟食。
如果有任何幫助,歡迎聯繫我們的服務員。 愿您在大虎重慶火鍋享受不同的火鍋風味!

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